Thursday, June 19, 2008

first mornin' ride

Just got back around half an hour ago from a ride back from my girlfriends place. It was nice and chill as I was biking through the streets where there weren't that many cars. I just wish there weren't random pebbles, glass, or anything on the road that could give me a flat. I haven't gotten one since I've really started to bike a lot. I don't plan to get one either. So I actually dropped by McDonald's to get some breakfast before I really took off home. I know, I know, so unhealthy but I wasn't about to go to a market and buy milk and cereal for the road. ha! Anyways, I think that was my work out for today. I don't know If I'll bike anymore today. I'll see. I'll be posting some daily art soon. (0-0)

1 comment:

jenny said...

you should get a leaf blower and post it in front of your bike so when you ride, it blows everything out of the way :D