Tuesday, July 22, 2008

san diego sdcc 2008

made it to san diego last night and i'm up and searching for the great places to get breakfast around the condo before doing some work today setting up the munky king booth. so far it seems like this place called "the mission" is overall the best at a decent walking distance. now let's just hope this can be a successful "mission" to get some good breakfast on this wonderful morning. i wish i brought my bike. it would have been faster and more fun to get around. maybe next year :)

some photos of the mission. photo credit to flickr (will be replaced with mine if i end up going)


Wednesday, July 9, 2008



from bottom to top. rice, vegetables, fish, spaghetti sauce w/meat balls, parmesan cheese.

as always i forget to take a picture of it before i start eating it. it looked better before. but it tastes good from the first bite to the last. mmm.


still here and alive. be back later! :D