I've been reading some comics and graphic novels recently. I've really been missing out on comics. The last time I read or laid hands on a comic was when Spawn, by Todd McFarlane, issue 25 or 26 was released. It's been awhile. A friend I made half year ago though group bike rides reads a lot of comics and kind of got me back in it. A few that I've finished recently are The umbrella academy, Short Comings, Blankets, Zombie vs Robots, S.O.S, and more.
I'm currently reading Y:The Last Man. I'm on issue 31 of 60. I can't stop reading it because every issue ends on a breath taking cliff hanger!
By the way, I'm officially done with college. I've got my bachelors! whoopie! Masters? I'll think about it. I'll be walking in mid June. Now the mission is to land a job. Anyone hiring a poor graphic designer!? x_x