Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

back with pictures from bunny gunner :D

thanks for those who came out to support.
thanks goes out to calpoly pomona and bunny gunner gallery for the opportunity to show my work. picture link below image. peace.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the ramen girl. really?

i'm not sure why but i'm down to watch this. maybe it's just because i love ramen. it looks kind of lame, though. daikokuya ramen.. mmmm..

Monday, August 11, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

a few things

Friend and I joined the critical mass ride over at santa monica yesterday. It was pretty nice to be able to ride with a large group of people. The only part I hated was that there were too many street lights and stop signs. Cops were everywhere helping escort and checking that we don't brake the law by running reds or not stopping when we were supposed to. I saw a few people getting tickets. Sucks to be them. :( I think i'll be joining more group rides this month. Critical mass was my 2nd group ride and sure won't be my last.

photo taken from midnight ridazz.. (i'm the one on the very left w/the green bike)


I'll be in a couple of shows coming up in mid august. "i am 8-bit" @ world of wonder storefront gallery and "school is out forever" @ bunny gunner gallery.